Wedding Vows for Her that Make You Cry

Wedding Vows for Her that Make You Cry

Wedding vows are a powerful way to express your love and commitment to your partner. They are often one of the most emotional moments of the wedding ceremony, and many couples shed tears of joy as they recite their vows.

If you're looking for wedding vows for her that will make her cry, here are a few tips: - Write from your heart. Don't just copy and paste vows from the internet. Take the time to write your own vows that are specific to your relationship and your love for her. - Be specific. Tell her what you love about her, what makes her special, and why you want to spend your life with her. - Use emotional language. Don't be afraid to use words like "love", "cherish", and "adore". Let her know how deeply you feel for her.

Here is a sample of wedding vows for her that might make her cry:

wedding vows for her that make you cry

Here are eight important points to keep in mind when writing wedding vows for her that make her cry:

  • Write from the heart.
  • Be specific.
  • Use emotional language.
  • Tell her what you love about her.
  • Tell her why you want to spend your life with her.
  • Make her laugh.
  • Make her cry.
  • End with a promise.

If you can keep these points in mind, you're sure to write wedding vows that will make her cry tears of joy.

Write from the heart.

The most important thing when writing wedding vows for her is to write from the heart. Don't just copy and paste vows from the internet, or use vows that you've heard other people say. Take the time to sit down and write your own vows that are specific to your relationship and your love for her.

  • Be honest. Don't try to be someone you're not, or say things that you don't mean. Just be yourself and let her see the real you.
  • Be specific. Tell her what you love about her, what makes her special, and why you want to spend your life with her. Don't just use general statements like "I love you" or "You're beautiful." Instead, tell her why you love her and what makes her different from anyone else.
  • Be emotional. Don't be afraid to let your emotions show. If you cry, that's okay. It shows that you're being honest and that you really care about her.
  • Be personal. Share a story about how you met, or a special moment that you've shared together. This will make your vows more meaningful and memorable.

If you can write your vows from the heart, she's sure to be touched and moved. She'll know that you love her deeply and that you're committed to spending your life with her.

Be specific.

When you're writing your wedding vows, it's important to be specific. Don't just use general statements like "I love you" or "You're beautiful." Instead, tell her why you love her and what makes her special.

  • Talk about her personality. What do you love about her sense of humor? Her intelligence? Her kindness? Her strength? Be specific and let her know what makes her unique.
  • Talk about your relationship. What do you love about being with her? How does she make you feel? What are some of your favorite memories together? Be specific and share details that will make her smile.
  • Talk about your future together. What are your hopes and dreams for the future? How do you see her in your life? Be specific and let her know that you're committed to spending your life with her.
  • Use examples. If you can, use specific examples to illustrate your points. For example, instead of saying "I love your sense of humor," you could say "I love how you always make me laugh, even when I'm having a bad day." This will make your vows more personal and memorable.

By being specific, you'll show her that you really know her and that you love her for who she is. This will make your vows more meaningful and touching.

Use emotional language.

When you're writing your wedding vows, don't be afraid to use emotional language. Let her know how much you love her, how much she means to you, and how happy you are to be spending your life with her.

Here are some tips for using emotional language in your wedding vows:

  • Use strong verbs. Instead of saying "I love you," say "I adore you" or "I cherish you." Strong verbs will help to convey the depth of your emotions.
  • Use descriptive language. Don't just say "You're beautiful." Instead, describe her in detail. Tell her what you love about her eyes, her smile, her hair, and her body. Be specific and let her know what makes her unique.
  • Use personal anecdotes. Share a story about how she makes you feel. Talk about a time when she made you laugh, or cry, or feel loved. Personal anecdotes will make your vows more meaningful and memorable.
  • Speak from the heart. Don't try to be someone you're not, or say things that you don't mean. Just be yourself and let her see the real you. If you speak from the heart, she's sure to be touched and moved.

By using emotional language, you can create wedding vows that are truly heartfelt and unforgettable.

Tell her what you love about her.

When you're writing your wedding vows, take some time to tell her what you love about her. This is your chance to express your deepest feelings for her and to let her know why you want to spend your life with her.

  • Be specific. Don't just say "I love you" or "You're beautiful." Instead, tell her what you love about her personality, her appearance, and her character.
  • Be honest. Don't try to be someone you're not, or say things that you don't mean. Just be yourself and let her see the real you.
  • Be personal. Share stories and anecdotes that illustrate what you love about her. This will make your vows more meaningful and memorable.
  • Be emotional. Don't be afraid to let your emotions show. If you cry, that's okay. It shows that you're being honest and that you really care about her.

By telling her what you love about her, you'll create wedding vows that are truly heartfelt and unforgettable.

Tell her why you want to spend your life with her.

When you're writing your wedding vows, take some time to tell her why you want to spend your life with her. This is your chance to express your deepest feelings for her and to let her know why you believe she is the perfect partner for you.

  • Be honest. Don't try to be someone you're not, or say things that you don't mean. Just be yourself and let her see the real you.
  • Be specific. Don't just say "I love you" or "I want to be with you forever." Instead, tell her what you love about her and why you want to spend the rest of your life with her.
  • Be personal. Share stories and anecdotes that illustrate why you want to spend your life with her. This will make your vows more meaningful and memorable.
  • Be emotional. Don't be afraid to let your emotions show. If you cry, that's okay. It shows that you're being honest and that you really care about her.

By telling her why you want to spend your life with her, you'll create wedding vows that are truly heartfelt and unforgettable.

Make her laugh.

If you can make her laugh, you're halfway to making her cry. A good sense of humor is a great way to show her that you're not taking yourself too seriously, and that you're able to laugh at yourself. It's also a great way to lighten the mood and make her feel more relaxed.

Here are a few tips for making her laugh in your wedding vows:

  • Tell a funny story. Share a story about a time when you made her laugh, or a time when she made you laugh. This will remind her of the good times you've shared together, and it will make her smile.
  • Use self-deprecating humor. Don't be afraid to make fun of yourself. This will show her that you're not perfect, and that you're able to laugh at yourself. It will also make her feel more comfortable and relaxed.
  • Be playful. Don't be afraid to be playful and silly. This will show her that you're not afraid to let loose and have fun. It will also make her feel more connected to you.
  • Don't try too hard. The best way to make her laugh is to be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not, or say things that you don't mean. Just be yourself and let her see the real you.

If you can make her laugh, you'll create wedding vows that are truly unique and memorable.

Make her cry.

If you want to make her cry, you need to be honest and open about your feelings. Tell her how much you love her, how much she means to you, and how happy you are to be spending your life with her.

  • Be specific. Don't just say "I love you" or "You're beautiful." Instead, tell her what you love about her and why she means so much to you.
  • Be personal. Share stories and anecdotes that illustrate how much you love her. This will make your vows more meaningful and memorable.
  • Be emotional. Don't be afraid to let your emotions show. If you cry, that's okay. It shows that you're being honest and that you really care about her.
  • End with a promise. Promise her that you will always love her, no matter what. This will give her a sense of security and reassurance.

By following these tips, you can create wedding vows that will make her cry tears of joy.

End with a promise.

The best way to end your wedding vows is with a promise. This promise can be anything you want, but it should be something that is meaningful to you and to her.

  • Promise to love her unconditionally. No matter what life throws your way, promise to always love her and be there for her.
  • Promise to support her dreams. Promise to always be her biggest fan and to support her in everything she does.
  • Promise to make her happy. Promise to always do your best to make her happy and to make her feel loved.
  • Promise to grow old with her. Promise to spend the rest of your life with her and to grow old together.

Whatever you promise, make sure it is something that you can keep. Your promise should be a reflection of your love for her and your commitment to her.


Here are some frequently asked questions about writing wedding vows for her that make you cry:

Question 1: How can I make my wedding vows more personal?
Answer: The best way to make your wedding vows more personal is to focus on your own unique relationship and experiences. Share stories and anecdotes that illustrate how much you love her and why she is so special to you.

Question 2: What should I avoid saying in my wedding vows?
Answer: Avoid using clichés or generic phrases. Instead, speak from the heart and tell her exactly how you feel.

Question 3: How long should my wedding vows be?
Answer: There is no right or wrong length for wedding vows. However, most vows are between two and five minutes long.

Question 4: Can I use humor in my wedding vows?
Answer: Yes, you can use humor in your wedding vows, but be careful not to overdo it. A little bit of humor can help to lighten the mood, but you don't want to turn your vows into a comedy routine.

Question 5: What if I get emotional while I'm reading my vows?
Answer: It's okay to get emotional while you're reading your vows. In fact, it's perfectly natural to cry. If you do get emotional, just pause and take a deep breath. Your guests will understand and appreciate your honesty.

Question 6: How can I practice my wedding vows?
Answer: The best way to practice your wedding vows is to read them aloud to yourself or to a trusted friend or family member. This will help you to get comfortable with the words and to make sure that you can deliver them with confidence.

Question 7: What if I'm not a good writer?
Answer: If you're not a good writer, don't worry. There are plenty of resources available to help you write your wedding vows. You can find online templates, hire a professional writer, or ask a friend or family member for help.

No matter what your writing style or experience level, you can write wedding vows that will make her cry tears of joy.

Here are a few additional tips for writing wedding vows for her that make you cry:


Here are a few practical tips for writing wedding vows for her that make you cry:

Tip 1: Write from the heart. The most important thing when writing wedding vows is to write from the heart. Don't just copy and paste vows from the internet, or use vows that you've heard other people say. Take the time to sit down and write your own vows that are specific to your relationship and your love for her.

Tip 2: Be specific. Tell her what you love about her, what makes her special, and why you want to spend your life with her. Don't just use general statements like "I love you" or "You're beautiful." Instead, tell her why you love her and what makes her different from anyone else.

Tip 3: Be emotional. Don't be afraid to let your emotions show. If you cry, that's okay. It shows that you're being honest and that you really care about her.

Tip 4: Practice your vows. Once you've written your vows, practice reading them aloud to yourself or to a trusted friend or family member. This will help you to get comfortable with the words and to make sure that you can deliver them with confidence.

Tip 5: Don't be afraid to be yourself. The most important thing is to be yourself and to let her see the real you. If you try to be someone you're not, she'll be able to tell and it will make your vows less meaningful.

By following these tips, you can write wedding vows that will make her cry tears of joy.

Writing wedding vows for her that make you cry is a special and personal experience. By following these tips, you can create vows that are unique and meaningful to you and your partner.


Wedding vows are a powerful way to express your love and commitment to your partner. When you write vows for her that make you cry, you're not only expressing your love, you're also creating a lasting memory that she will cherish forever.

If you're looking for tips on how to write wedding vows for her that make you cry, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Write from the heart.
  • Be specific.
  • Be emotional.
  • Practice your vows.
  • Don't be afraid to be yourself.

By following these tips, you can write wedding vows that are unique and meaningful to you and your partner. Your vows will be a testament to your love and commitment, and they will create a lasting memory that you will both cherish forever.

On your wedding day, when you look into her eyes and read your vows, she will know how much you love her. She will see the love in your eyes, and she will hear the love in your voice. Your vows will be a promise of a lifetime of love and happiness, and they will make her cry tears of joy.

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